Royce Avenue (Dupont Street) west at Perth Avenue
September 30,1910
City of Toronto Archives, Fonds 1231, Item 2053,
James Salmon Collection
An email from a neighbour who works with
historical maps sparked a flame that spread
into this new blog posting.
So, for those of us who love archival images, here
is the result of my research in the amazing
collection of the City of Toronto Archives.
The archives are open to the public and can
be browsed online at http://www.toronto.ca/archives/.

Map of Toronto, Volume 5, April 1904 - Extension.
Library and Archives Canada
Detail of a map (below) showing Royce Avenue (Dupont Street) and
the railway tracks before the bridge and underpass was built.
Two views (below) show the view from Dundas Street looking east
across the Canadian Pacific Railway tracks.
The factory building (right) is designated the
"Chopping Mill, Watt & Watson" on this 1904 map.
By 1923, the signage on the building reads,
"Watt Milling & Feed Company".
Below: Detail_Map of Toronto, Volume 5, April 1904 - Extension.
Library and Archives Canada

Royce Avenue (Dupont Street) and CPR, Dundas Street crossing
looking east, April 6, 1923
City of Toronto Archives, Fonds 1231, Item 1326, James Salmon Collection

Royce Avenue (Dupont Street) and CPR, Dundas Street
crossing looking east, April 10, 1914
City of Toronto Archives, Fonds 1231, Item 1300, James Salmon Collection

Detail of a 1907 map showing Perth Avenue Square and Antler Street
running through to Perth. The Public School and its annex
building (highlighted red) may be the location of the
Infant Clinic (see photos below).
Detail of map Toronto, Volume 5, 1907, Map and Data Library
University of Toronto 5027 Robarts Library

Perth Avenue School Annex - Infant Clinic,
September 18, 1914
City of Toronto Archives, Fonds 200, Series 372, Subseries 32, Item 343

Perth Avenue School Annex - Infant Clinic, September 18, 1914
City of Toronto Archives, Fonds 200, Series 372, Subseries 32, Item 342

Detail of a 1907 map showing the block bounded by Royce, Perth,
Franklin and Parkman Avenues. I've added red highlights to show
the locations of the Dupont Project, the Firehall, the Presbyterian
Church, and the corner of Dupont and Perth (see photos below).
On this map, Dupont is designated as a grocery store.
Detail of map Toronto, Volume 5, 1907, Map and Data Library
University of Toronto 5027 Robarts Library

Perth Avenue Firehall, May 9, 1914
City of Toronto Archives, Fonds 200, Series 372, Subseries 100, Item 105

Royce Avenue Presbyterian Church (demolished),
1543-1551 Dupont Street (at Perth), October 23,1958
City of Toronto Archives, Fonds 200, Series 372, Subseries 100, Item 85

Dupont and Perth, northwest corner, October 23,1958
City of Toronto Archives, Fonds 200, Series 372, Subseries 100, Item 86