The walnut-veneer kitchen pantry is complete.

The design inspiration for the staircase
handrail was a piece of spaghetti.
The 2-inch solid oak handrail wraps
up the staircase wall like a large noodle
supported on stainless steel offsets.

Woodworker uses a laser level to locate the handrail
for the floating solid white oak staircase.

The last frame is shifted into position before being welded
to the post. The frames will be bolted to the two buildings on
each side, then painted. When painting is complete the
entire framework will be covered with horizontal
cedar planks to create a privacy wall.

Hoisting the heavy frame into place.

Welding the frame.

Metalworker grinds the welds.

Steel frames are assembled onsite.

Two steel posts embedded in concrete form the structural basis
for the garden wall. Twenty-foot-high steel frames are
welded to the posts.