A representative from Adanac Glass measures the first shipment of
Spanish Cedar window frames in preparation for glass installation.

View from the second floor window showing
a workman pouring a limestone gravel bed in
the 16 ft. x 3 ft. atrium opening. Layers of filter
cloth and soil will be added to prepare the
side garden for trees.

The drywaller's yellow laser (top left) and its red beam
used to ensure a level ceiling.

To compensate for the sloping structure of the original roof, the
second floor ceilings have been levelled in preparation for the drywall.

View of the second floor showing plumbing and duct work.

Facade of building prepped for windows and front door.

In many inner-city areas of Toronto water flows from the mains into
our homes through lead pipes. Water quality can be tested by
obtaining sample kits from your local Toronto Public Health Office.
When lead levels exceed acceptable amounts, the case is referred to
Toronto Water who will issue a Water Service Replacement Contract.
Costs for the work vary depending upon the length and size of pipe
to be replaced.
This photograph shows the excavation done by City of Toronto
licensed contractors to replace lead with copper pipes at Dupont.

A laser is used in the trench to ensure the slope between the
two buildings will provide accurate drainage.

This trench from the main house to the studio/garage
will carry plumbing, gas and electrical services.

Laneway view of the addition.

Interior courtyard view of construction.

Carpenters begin to frame the second floor studio above the garage.